Positive tanker giver godt helbred
Smil til verden, og du kan beholde dit gode helbred.
Smil til verden, og du kan beholde dit gode helbred.
Det viser en ny undersøgelse.
Amerikansk studium viser, at følelser direkte påvirker din sundhed
Tænker du glade, positive tanker, er der større chance for, at du også har et godt helbred.
Og jo fattigere du er, jo vigtigere er det.
Det viser et nyt studium, som er gennemført af lektor i psykologi Sarah Pressman ved University of Kansas i samarbejde med Gallup World Pool.»Det har længe været klart, at følelserne spiller en afgørende rolle for det fysiske helbred, men hidtil er alle studier blevet udført i de industrialiserede lande. Vores ønske var at finde ud af, om man også kunne se denne kobling hos meget fattige personer, der dagligt skal kæmpe for at finde mad og husly. Nu viser vores studier, at denne sammenhæng i særdeleshed også gælder dem,« siger Sarah Pressman.
Dette er saxet fra 24 timer eller er det Jyllands Posten,
pyt med det, det er budskabet, der tæller,
og jeg bilder mig ind ,at det har jeg da vidst hele mit liv.
Jeg har set det omkring mig og tænkt at sådan en sur gammel een vil jeg ikke være,
hvorfor hænge sig i småting, nej brug Randers reb som min gamle far sagde ;-)
Google oversæt:
Positive thoughts give good health Smile to the world, and you can keep your good health. It shows a new study. American studies show that emotions directly influence your health Thinking about happy, positive thoughts, there is a greater chance that you will enjoy good health. And the poorer you are, the more important it is. It shows a new study carried out by a lecturer in psychology Sarah Pressman at the University of Kansas in cooperation with the Gallup World Pool. "It has long been clear that emotions play a crucial role in the physical health, but so far, all studies were conducted in industrialized countries. Our desire was to find out whether you could see this clutch of very poor people who must struggle daily to find food and shelter. Now our study shows that this especially applies them, "says Sarah Pressman. This is saxet of 24 hours or is it Jyllands Posten, Nevermind, this is the message that counts, I bilder me that I have known all my life. I've seen it around me and thought that such a sour old one, I will not be so hang in peanuts, no need Randers rope as my old dad said ;-)
Positive thoughts give good health Smile to the world, and you can keep your good health. It shows a new study. American studies show that emotions directly influence your health Thinking about happy, positive thoughts, there is a greater chance that you will enjoy good health. And the poorer you are, the more important it is. It shows a new study carried out by a lecturer in psychology Sarah Pressman at the University of Kansas in cooperation with the Gallup World Pool. "It has long been clear that emotions play a crucial role in the physical health, but so far, all studies were conducted in industrialized countries. Our desire was to find out whether you could see this clutch of very poor people who must struggle daily to find food and shelter. Now our study shows that this especially applies them, "says Sarah Pressman. This is saxet of 24 hours or is it Jyllands Posten, Nevermind, this is the message that counts, I bilder me that I have known all my life. I've seen it around me and thought that such a sour old one, I will not be so hang in peanuts, no need Randers rope as my old dad said ;-)
2 kommentarer:
Ja smil til verden og prøv at være positiv.
Ligesom Inge gør.
HIlsen Hanne
Det er nemlig så sandt Inge, det har jeg også altid vidst. Det er til gengæld som om, at mennesker, som i barndommen har lært det modsatte, har meget svært ved at ændre på deres holdning.
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